MOMocrats MOMochat

MOMocrats.com was launched in September 2007 as a national collaborative blog for progressive mom bloggers to write about politics from a mom’s perspective. Their political podcast began running regularly in November 2010.


About MOMocrats MOMochat

We live in a complex era, and it’s sometimes difficult to feel which way the wind is blowing — maybe because the world is suffering through a political hurricane.

It’s hard to make sense of it all.

Political Podcast

That’s why we produce our weekly MOMocrats MOMochat political podcast.

We get together and vent about the avalanche of crazy tweets and occasional policy. Sometimes, cocktails are involved (the Pursuit of Happiness Hour). And sometimes, we call in an expert, like EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock, former Planned Parenthood CEO Gloria Feldt or Netroots Nation founding partner Gina Cooper.

But most of all, we get to talk to some smart women who are making a difference in the world. And we’re having fun doing it.

Listen to our podcast on the site, on Stitcher, as a download, or subscribe on iTunes.













  • Anita Hill
    July 23, 2024 by Sucyvtddt from United States

    Biden did it for Anita Hill. Biden was not at his best to Anita H. So he stepped aside for VP Harris. He righted a wrong.

  • Momocrats
    August 18, 2018 by beniblitz from United States

    High energy and fun! Interesting and informative

  • Hillar-ity
    March 9, 2018 by Springfield News from United States

    Not so much pro Hillary as anti-Trump and anti-Bernie. Light on analysis but frequently drunken-sounding chatter is a lot of fun.

  • MOMocrats
    May 21, 2011 by Glennia from United States

    Love this show. Full of smart, politically savvy women talking about the issues of the day.

  • Great show
    February 6, 2011 by bluestarfamilies from United States

    I'm a bit biased, but I love the mix of politics, pop culture and intelligent girl chat. I look forward to listening every week!

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It’s All Connected

It may feel petty to frame the horrors of the war in Ukraine to midterm elections in the United States - but Republicans are trying to use it as a cudgel against the Biden administration. And as MOMocrat Karoli points out: Ukraine, January 6, trucker convoys, and...

Can Ukraine Hold On?

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