Today’s count of COVID-19 dead is 75,000 Americans and rising – far worse than any other nation in the world. Unemployment figures just released show a nationwide rate of 14%. Donald Trump cares more about the second figure than the first, and his push to “open up the economy” will not help either figure. He refuses to model the kind of behavior that would help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, and so no one else in his administration.wears masks or practices social distancing either – at least, in public. But while he projects unafraid machismo over the virus, behind the scenes he is said to have become “lava-level mad” at the news that his personal valet, who serves him his meals, tested positive. 

That was the one bright spot in a week that saw the Trump administration and his GOP enablers shred more democratic norms (Michael Flynn!) under the backdrop of this health and economic crisis, which is disproportionately.hitting the poor and people of color, while an astroturfed series of “protests” against public health measures appears to gain steam – amid symbols of white nationalism. All the while, the Democratic opposition is nearly invisible while they figure out how to be heard while sitting it out at home. MOMocrats Karoli, Aliza Worthington, and Donna Schwartz Mills discuss the week’s political news from a progressive point of view – part of the DemCast family of podcasts.